There were a couple that just legit weren’t interested but most I would say just wanted alerts 6-7 times a day on shitty trades and didn’t want to learn.
Your substack and discord are great! You have so much knowledge and a great way to pass it down to ppl that are willing to learn. Your wit and transparency are a breath of fresh air! Love everything and so pumped about the new additions in 2024, especially “ Live entries and 1st scale out for swing trades with subsequent stop management for many/most of these ideas “ Thanks PharmD for everything you do! You rock!
Thanks for all the time you put in for such a ridiculously low price! Will the course stuff be included with the sub fee or we need to expect an additional fee for it?
It will be priced absurdly low relative to value provided like the stack, only available to members in the discord at first, and at a heavily discounted price relative to what it may or may not be sold more broadly later on. Members will also have an interactive component with me, whereas if/when I sell it later on, non-members will pay a higher price and just get the content. Definitely needs to be paywalled in some way for security and cover expenses for editing, hosting, etc. But it will be laughably low priced again. Also, people will get all of what I know if they hang out in the discord and read the stack long enough so this first set is more for the people that want a jump start.
Yo PharmD... Thanks for this post and for everything else you do. I am a newbie to both your stack/discord AND futures (previously just did passive investing, a little swing trading and some option stuff). I've been working my way through the trash out there, trying to learn about futures, but nothing was clicking for me. I subscribed within minutes of watching you with Anthony Crudele (for the record, I think Anthony is a solid dude) and have been with you all most mornings (very early from Seattle, WA), lurking in the background. Watching and absorbing. I also want to thank everyone who posts in the trade-floor. I've learned a lot from watching them execute your plans, as well as their own. All this to say that there is huge value in what you've built.
🙏 It’s a LOT to absorb I know. But it will ALL click over time. Just passively absorbing is the way to go. I’m looking forward to getting out some of this content I’ve been developing as well to really kick start things. I really actually enjoy investing and swing trading more than day trading futures but hey as long as we’re selective it gives us a chance to stay fresh and make some money while we wait for the next swing/investment 💪
New subscriber here and newbie trader as well. I don´t yet understand all the terms and abbreviations or how to make use of the various levels given. Perhaps it will gradually become clearer as I join the discord conversation? So glad to learn you´ll be giving a course, Pharm D. Will definitely be signing up for that. Looking forward to learning!
Yeah you can dig through old posts as well but once in the discord (it’s usually pretty quick) there’s a room with abbreviations and some key private educational videos I’ve done. But be patient it is a LOT, and much of it will be completely different and new from what you’re used to hearing traders talk about 🤝
I’ve thought about it. We’ll see. I post some free stuff once in a while as well and feel free to check out my YouTube as well. There isn’t much there since I’m so busy but can probably just hang out free and glean a few things here and there between the stack, Twitter, and YouTube 🤝
Umm, 8% cancelled? They must have been people that sub'd twice by mistake, which would still be an outsized value. Thanks Pharm for all you do!
There were a couple that just legit weren’t interested but most I would say just wanted alerts 6-7 times a day on shitty trades and didn’t want to learn.
Your substack and discord are great! You have so much knowledge and a great way to pass it down to ppl that are willing to learn. Your wit and transparency are a breath of fresh air! Love everything and so pumped about the new additions in 2024, especially “ Live entries and 1st scale out for swing trades with subsequent stop management for many/most of these ideas “ Thanks PharmD for everything you do! You rock!
Has been an absolute pleasure having you 🙏
Thank you. I am looking forward for more trading materials.
Amazing to think it hasn’t even been 2 months and 1 week I was on vacation. So much more to teach 💪
love it..!!! you rock Big D
🙏 it’s been a blast
Thanks for all the time you put in for such a ridiculously low price! Will the course stuff be included with the sub fee or we need to expect an additional fee for it?
It will be priced absurdly low relative to value provided like the stack, only available to members in the discord at first, and at a heavily discounted price relative to what it may or may not be sold more broadly later on. Members will also have an interactive component with me, whereas if/when I sell it later on, non-members will pay a higher price and just get the content. Definitely needs to be paywalled in some way for security and cover expenses for editing, hosting, etc. But it will be laughably low priced again. Also, people will get all of what I know if they hang out in the discord and read the stack long enough so this first set is more for the people that want a jump start.
Yo PharmD... Thanks for this post and for everything else you do. I am a newbie to both your stack/discord AND futures (previously just did passive investing, a little swing trading and some option stuff). I've been working my way through the trash out there, trying to learn about futures, but nothing was clicking for me. I subscribed within minutes of watching you with Anthony Crudele (for the record, I think Anthony is a solid dude) and have been with you all most mornings (very early from Seattle, WA), lurking in the background. Watching and absorbing. I also want to thank everyone who posts in the trade-floor. I've learned a lot from watching them execute your plans, as well as their own. All this to say that there is huge value in what you've built.
🙏 It’s a LOT to absorb I know. But it will ALL click over time. Just passively absorbing is the way to go. I’m looking forward to getting out some of this content I’ve been developing as well to really kick start things. I really actually enjoy investing and swing trading more than day trading futures but hey as long as we’re selective it gives us a chance to stay fresh and make some money while we wait for the next swing/investment 💪
thank you so much learning so much content you put out is amazing 🙏🏼💪🏼
Kobe More.GIF
New subscriber here and newbie trader as well. I don´t yet understand all the terms and abbreviations or how to make use of the various levels given. Perhaps it will gradually become clearer as I join the discord conversation? So glad to learn you´ll be giving a course, Pharm D. Will definitely be signing up for that. Looking forward to learning!
Yeah you can dig through old posts as well but once in the discord (it’s usually pretty quick) there’s a room with abbreviations and some key private educational videos I’ve done. But be patient it is a LOT, and much of it will be completely different and new from what you’re used to hearing traders talk about 🤝
still trying to get access to Discord. Try to follow directions, but no response.
I see an email in there from this morning. Will get started on it tonight
I keep thinking this can't be real. All this amazing content with a side of humor for practically nothing. What a blessing. Thank you!
Did you take the blue pill or the red pill because I may have bad news . . . 🤣
BOTH! ;)
Any chance you could do a 1-3 days or 1 week trial ?
If not, can you share a older post so I know what to expect
I know the subscription is not much however I have tried many others and sometimes they might be a perfect strategy provider, but are not a good fit.
I’ve thought about it. We’ll see. I post some free stuff once in a while as well and feel free to check out my YouTube as well. There isn’t much there since I’m so busy but can probably just hang out free and glean a few things here and there between the stack, Twitter, and YouTube 🤝