Be sure that you have read the free series I’ve started introducing Volume/Market Profile. I will continue to add archives of free content as it will be easier to find than searching for old Substack posts. You can find it halfway down the page at the following link PharmD Capital
I did a supplemental post for this week with some trade setups for QQQ 0.00%↑ IWM 0.00%↑ GLD 0.00%↑ SLV 0.00%↑ USO 0.00%↑ (or other proxies) based on futures charts. Supplemental Setups
Last week was incredibly technical on SPY 0.00%↑ so I did a separate post with the recap along with a full copy of last week’s post. It should be a good learning/review opportunity for both new and existing subscribers. I’m sure there are even a few long-time subscribers that looked back at this and kicked themselves for some of the trades they did or did not take this week. Free Post/Recap of 6/2 Week