FYI we’re fully caught up, so if you have sent an email (to the email address in the 10/20 post) for discord access prior to 48 hours ago go ahead and resend now. With the early barrage of scam attempts we had it is possible we missed a couple. The discord is free for paid substack members so we appreciate your understanding that we are trying to keep the scammers and bots out.
Once you have sent the email with your discord username expect the following:
-Your email will be validated and if validated a Link to discord emailed to you usually within 48 Hours. If your email doesn’t validate admin will email you back. Getting the link is generally quicker for existing subscribers and longer for newer subscribers.
-You’ll be taken to the landing area for final validation of your discord handle and assignment of full member roll.
This is not worked on during cash hours as both admin and I are trading and managing the discord, so emails will often come later in the evening. Be sure to check your spam trap.
Now that we are past the initial mass validation things should move much more quickly. It was a rather large number to get through especially with the scam attempts so thank you again for your understanding and patience.