The original iteration of the Trading Doggy Style Course (effectively beginner+ intermediate together) had included access to three additional rooms within the Discord for shared mentorship. One is a private feed for me to explain concepts in greater detail and answer questions, the second is a private trade floor for TDS students, and the third is an open room for asking questions and for students to discuss concepts.
When I separated the course into beginner and intermediate, I chose not to include this added value so as to avoid stretching myself too thin. As my bandwidth will be freeing up quite a bit in Q1, I’ve decided to go ahead and include that access for those who have purchased both the beginner and intermediate courses at no additional charge. If you have already purchased both and do not have access to the TDS education rooms, please email me at and I will get you added. Please do the same if you choose to purchase the courses in Q1 as my bot is currently not feeding me these registrations to update Discord access. You must be in the general Discord (as of now means a paid subscriber to this newsletter) to have these 3 rooms added as it is not a separate Discord.
Here’s an example where a question is asked and then answered in my feed for the benefit of all the students. The course content itself is more of a prerequisite whereas the shared mentorship rooms go quite a bit deeper.