Many of my followers know me for trading ES but I’ve been an investor for 33 years. I’ve been a swing trader on various timeframes for 14, and really didn’t even start day trading until the last 4-5. While most of my morning posts each day will be focused on the index, I look forward to sharing on some other trades and investments.
I manage 8 different long accounts with various different time horizons. 3 of them I refer to as “boomer” accounts as they are for family members in or very near retirement. 2 of them are higher risk/higher growth as they are for kids <18 (my kids and my nephews). The remaining 3 are a bit more blended time horizon and includes my own.
Naturally these aren’t super active, those in IRAs a bit more active than the others. I probably won’t post on every minor change for all these accounts but subscribers may be interested to see what I’m adding or completely closing out within these accounts. Will occasionally post hedges that are added as well (Example would be my tweet selling covered calls on PLTR into $20.25